
The Lighthouse Knight

University of Twente


The Lighthouse Knight is a university project in which I created a simple IP around which I could design the most important aspects as an exercise in visual communication. The result were those designs and a little trailer for this fictional project.


the protagonist, an elderly knight returning to his old adventurous life. The design of the various elements is slightly cartoony to tailer to an age group of 8-10 year olds.

Initial concepts


Orthographic View


Gregory's home. The challenge was to make it feel like a worn down castle to symbolically fit the character while remaining a warm and homely feel.
Initial color thumbs

Final Concept

Interior design

Matte painting


the antagonist in the story. Again the challenge was to make something creepy enough to be exciting, but not too creepy for a 8-year-old kid.
Initial Concepts
Monster Head Iterations